Overview of the Paper Application Process

STEP 1: Please read all the information on this page, then use the “Application Forms” link at the bottom of this page. Additional links to study materials, exam dates, and fingerprint information are also at the bottom of this page.

STEP 2: Complete application and mail with required money order or cashier’s check to Optometry Board. The instructions list the required documents that must be submitted with the application.

Important Notice: Incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be returned.

STEP 3: Register with the NBEO to take the Jurisprudence Examination.

Important Notice: All fees associated with the application and examination process are non-transferable and non-refundable. Once the application is accepted, fees cannot be refunded if there is a failure to complete the application process.

STEP 4: Take the Jurisprudence Examination and submit any required additional documents. Submit fingerprints as instructed on this website — the link is at the bottom of this page.


The link at the bottom of the page (“Application Forms”) connects to a decision tree to determine the correct form and instructions to download.


Application Forms: Acceptance Application

Jurisprudence Exam

Have Applied, Need Study Materials

Fingerprint Information