
Welcome to the starting point for information about Texas Optometry Board requirements and helpful practice information.

Addiction / Mental Impairment

The Board subscribes to a program that provides a confidential pathway to the treatment of addiction and mental health issues that may affect the doctor’s practice of optometry. Addiction and Mental Health Help.

Address Changes

State law requires all licensees to notify the Board within 10 days of any address change — home or office. Update Contact Information.

Consumer Information Notice

All licensed optometrists are required to post a Consumer Information Notice or Consumer Brochure in their office.

Continuing Education

All licensees are required to complete 32 hours of Continuing Education prior to license renewal.

Laws and Rules

The practice of optometry is regulated by the Texas Optometry Act and the Rules adopted by the Board.

License Verification

License verification for another state, or for any reason: To obtain an official verification of a license, mail a request to the Board with $40.00 payment (check only).


Information covering prescription requirements for drugs, contacts and glasses. Also information on obtaining a DEA permit. Prescription Requirements.

Renew License

To begin the renewal process, read the License Renewal Instructions here.  Twenty-four (24) hours after successfully renewing a license, the updated renewal certificate can be printed here.