License Renewal Instructions – Creating an Online Account

Instructions for First Time Users

Highly recommended: View detailed instructions first.

  1. Select “Register for a secure online account” on the renewal website.
  2. Enter required information, including your e-mail address, and a password will be e-mailed to you.
  3. Use that password and the link in the e-mail to continue registration process.
  4. Enter license number, birth date, and name. Connect that information to the Board’s database by selecting the “Add” button.
  5. Now select the link with your license number. The registration is complete, and you may continue and renew your license.
  6. To renew, select “Optometrist Renewal Application” link on left hand side of page.
  7. Enter information and answer normal renewal questions. See below for additional information.
  8. Start Registration Process: Use the Register button below to link to the on-line renewal website and begin the registration process

Notices: Information Collected During Renewal

State law provides that you are entitled on request (with few exceptions) to be informed about the information that the Optometry Board collects on this form. You may make a written Public Information request under Sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Government Code to receive and review the information collected on this form (a charge for this information may apply). You are entitled under Section 559.004 of the Government Code to make a written request to have the Board correct information that is incorrect.

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS: State and federal laws require all licensees to furnish their social security number. Please check the number listed for you for accuracy. If your social security number is not listed you must provide it in the appropriate box on this form. Section 231.302 of the Texas Family Code requires applicants and licensees to provide their social security numbers. The social security number will be used for identification within the Texas Optometry Board, and will be provided as required by the Family Code to the Texas Attorney General to assist in the administration of laws relating to child support enforcement. Identification by the Attorney General as being in arrears on court ordered child support obligations may result in revocation of the license to practice optometry in Texas. The social security number will also be released to the National Optometric Databank and to federal disciplinary databanks.