Approved Courses
Approved at Board Meeting: The Board approves courses at each board meeting and posts them on this website: “Approved CE Courses” ALL courses must be submitted to the Continuing Education Committee for approval. Historically, the last Board meeting each year is in November, so all courses must be submitted prior to that Board meeting. In order to obtain approval, the course outline, summary of subjects, speakers with respective resumes, date, times, location and monitoring procedures must be submitted to the committee.
COPE Approved: The Board accepts courses presented by optometry schools and courses approved by COPE, however, the courses must still be submitted for approval to the Board prior to a Board meeting. Course information on COPE courses may be found at this link.
OE Tracker: ARBO maintains the OE Tracker database. The ARBO website can be used to access OE Tracker and search for COPE approved courses (see COPE below).
Biennial Renewal
CE requirements are not changed to renew for 2021, regardless of whether it is a two year license or one year license. However, the CE requirements will double beginning with the 2023 renewal (32 hours required during period 1/1/2021 through 12/31/2022 for those receiving a two year license in 2021: includes 24 hours D/T, 2 hours Professional Responsibility, 16 hours must be live).
CE Transcript
An official transcript with the seal of the Board is available for $40.00. The transcript lists the courses taken and hours credited. Send a check for $40.00 and list the years to be included.
Check CE Hours
Use Web Site: To check the number of CE hours you have reported to the Board, either click on the “Check CE” button on the first page of the website, (Check CE) or call the Board at 512-305-8500. At the end of the year when thousands of CE certificates are being submitted to the Board, please give staff time to enter the information in the Board’s computer.
Clinical Rotations
Credit: Maximum of four hours credit per year. One hour of continuing education credit will be given for each two clock hours spent on clinical rounds. Course must be approved by Board.
Board Approval: Council on Optometric Practitioners’ Education, an organization that approves continuing education courses. This approval is accepted by most states, including Texas. However, the course must still be approved by the Board at a Board Meeting. The Board makes the determination regarding the breakdown of regular hours and diagnostic/therapeutic hours. Course information on COPE courses may be found at this link.
Correspondence Course
Maximum 8 Hours: Credit will be given for a maximum of eight hours of the combined total of correspondence course hours and on-line computer course hours per calendar year.
Sponsored & Graded: Correspondence courses must be sponsored and graded by accredited optometry colleges, and approved by the Board. Note that with some correspondence and Internet courses, it may take some time for the provider to send the certificates of completion to the doctor.